
of 50,000 signatures

To Lucy Frazer PC MP, Financial secretary to the Treasury and minister responsible for HMRC

The tax on the SEISS grants owed for 20/21 needs to be waivered or postponed until economic normality is closer within reach.

Petition text

The Covid 19 pandemic continues to hurt and hinder the healthy business of the hospitality and entertainment sector. Many of us that are freelance took the SEISS grants to help us through the toughest times of lock downs and restrictions.
But the industry didn't just "bounce back" during the summer season of 2021, with many events still not confident to take place and the larger mainstays of our yearly income not happening. Audience and promotor confidence remained low and the normal level of activity did not happen. This has now been paired with a disrupted Winter season where many events and venues have again had to cut back or close during one of the most profitable times of the year.
For those who took the SEISS grants to begin with, we have not yet returned to an income standard that allows us the financial stability to meet the coming tax bill. The tax on the SEISS grants owed for 20/21 needs to be waivered or postponed until economic normality is closer within reach.

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Waiver the tax owed on the SEISS grants for the 20/21 return

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Waiver the tax owed on the SEISS grants for the 20/21 return

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