
of 50,000 signatures

This petition is open to Amazon drivers, customers and the general public

Petition text

To MPs on the Business Select Committee,

Please get Amazon to lower their dangerous delivery targets back down to a safe level.

The huge targets mean Amazon drivers are forced to take dangerous risks on the road to finish in time. From speeding to not having time to santisise between deliveries.

We're asking Amazon for a meeting, but so far, they're refusing. Now we're asking you, MPs on the BEIS Select Committee, to investigate Amazon. Amazon driver's jobs used to be safe, and now they're not.

Please investigate Amazon and bring the targets back down to a safe level.

Why is this important?

"We're Amazon delivery drivers and each week, we're forced to drive dangerously to reach the ridiculous targets set by Amazon. On a bad day, delivering parcels is terrifying. The worst thing is that it's not just a few of us. 82% of us break the speed limit. 86% of us don't have time to wash or sanitise our hands between drops. And tonnes of us are forced to urinate in bottles. [1] All to meet the targets. Amazon are putting drivers AND customers at risk."

"We've already asked Amazon for a meeting to explain our worries, but so far they're refusing to set a date. That's why we're asking the MPs on the Business Select Committee to make Amazon hear us, and bring the targets back down to a safe level."

Here's what drivers are saying on the Organise Network right now

"Imagine driving a van ten hours a day, without eating or drinking and hopping in and out continuously. We do about 10/12km a day on foot. It’s insane. Some days are unbearable. I have times when I’m so exhausted and mentally broken I feel like crying."

"No time for breaks, and especially being a woman going for a wee in the back of the van isn't at all pleasant."

"I finish every day angry, exhausted and depressed. Ridiculous amount of parcels to deliver in an unrealistic route. I do not have time to take even a 15 -20 minute break, otherwise I will massively fall behind. It is often dangerous at times because even though I am exhausted and tired and struggling to concentrate I still am having to work as fast as i can to get my route done, driving faster than what is safe when I am already not in the best mind state."

[1] There are hundreds of Amazon drivers on Organise, and we all took a survey to share our experiences driving. You can read more results in the report we sent to Amazon bosses, asking for a meeting to talk about the dangerous targets. See the report HERE

You can also check out the original petition signed by over 80,000 drivers and customers by clicking HERE

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MPs: Investigate Amazon's dangerous delivery targets

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MPs: Investigate Amazon's dangerous delivery targets

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