
of 50,000 signatures

To Mr Thompson, Vice President of Boots

I was shocked to discover that Boot’s senior management are refusing to pay for and install defibrillators in Boots stores, or on the outside of those stores, despite the fact that every branch of Boots has staff who are trained in the use of defibrillators.

As many know, the defibrillator is the only way of restarting the heart of people who suffer a cardiac arrest, due to an abnormal heart rhythm. It is essential that Boots UK does everything possible to increase access to defibrillators and plays its full part in saving the lives of staff, patients and members of the community who suffer cardiac arrest.

Open letter text

We as employees and customers of Boots fully support the campaign to install defibrillators in every store across the UK. In view of the very low cost of purchasing and installing defibrillators, we are very surprised and shocked at your refusal to carry out this life saving measure.
After all, Boots receives vast amounts of money from the NHS and giving back a little at each store will not harm the financial stability of Boots and will enhance its reputation.

It is hard to understand why you and other decision-makers at Boots are not convinced of the importance of the company changing its national policy on the installation of defibrillators and acknowledging its duty to the communities it serves. That relationship is not just about profit – it is also about saving lives and serving communities. So many lives are saved every year in the UK because of a nearby defibrillator and the rapid action of a member of the public or paramedic.

When someone has a cardiac arrest there are only minutes available to bring that person back to life. While CPR is being performed someone else will be looking for the defibrillator. The more there are the more lives will be saved.

Sign the open letter

Signers list

Karenjit Kamal
Gagandeep S Arora
Stephen Hall
Ricardo Candeias
Agnieszka Kamerolli
Allan Morris
Kate Jenkins
Shirley Coates
Hannah Candassamy
Frank Walters
William Manchester
Moraig Macdonald
Tabatha Coleman
Janice Clennell
Joanne Broadfoot
Elainesowerby Sowerby
Kirstin Mills
L. Codd
Selina Mursal
Linda Gibson
Rosemary Deem
Jon Storey
James Mclean
Romina Fiori
Linda Buckland
Stephen Riches
Suzette Maguire
Russ Greenwoodo
N Micklem
Claire Saunders
Philip Partington
Christopher Hall
Lyn Williams
Debbie Wall
Steven Paul Mcclymont
Antony Woodhams
Mirza Ali
Sue Jenkins
Danielle Hurlock
C Cuthbertson
Malcolm Richardson
Roger Swaby
Bill Gosnold
Roisin Fallon
John Pereira
Pam Young
Benjamin Cole

Boots: save lives and install defibrillators in your stores

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Boots: save lives and install defibrillators in your stores

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