
of 100,000 signatures

To Gillian Keegan MP - Education Secretary

In schools across the country, lunchtime supervisors are having to refuse children a meal because their account is in the red. This is done in front of their peers and they then go the rest of the day hungry, not able to concentrate in class, possibly angry, scared or embarrassed. Potentially due to hardship the child will not get a wholesome meal when they get home, one good balanced meal a day is essential.

Petition text

I want lunchtime supervisors empowered to give a meal at the point of service, regardless of whether the child can afford it.

I want every child to get a meal at school and it be funded by the Government. The cost of this policy proposal is minute compared to other government expenditures like cutting the top rate of tax. No child should have to go hungry.

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Stop children going hungry at school!

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