
of 20,000 signatures

To Angus Elphinstone, CEO of AnyVan

AnyVan are withholding 70% of van drivers’ wages and taking advantage of non-English speaking drivers. They are not paying the minimum living wage for delivery routes, forcing drivers to complete jobs or the company don't pay them!

AnyVan’s charges to the customer are on average between £1500-£2000 per journey, sometimes even more than that. The driver, together with the helper gets 25%-30% out of that amount to cover for the daily rate of pay (hourly pay they say), fuel costs, vehicle costs, road charges if any, VAT (if registered), any other costs related to the business of the driver (repairs, maintenance, insurance costs, etc.). Workers and customers are losing out.

Most of their reviews are moderated and the bad ones get removed somehow. This is the sad truth behind AnyVan - a company built on slavery by a management that exploits to the maximum its drivers. My only hope is that these words will reach enough people to make a real change to working conditions and pay rates for the already poor drivers trying desperately to earn a living from the pay they get from a company that capitalised the industry in a very short period of time.

Open letter text

I am writing this letter with the hope that it will reach as many people as possible to raise awareness about the wrong way that AnyVan, a company that prides itself with providing exceptional services to its customers, takes advantage of the drivers situation in this country and destroying a once very reputable industry.

Aswell as witholding our wages, here are some examples of the way the company mistreats its workers:
Sometimes we are required to sleep overnight for AnyVan and the company only covers £50 for that. In some areas in the UK you can find cheap hotels, but other regions are more expensive and have to pay out of your pocket should you wish to sleep in an actual room and not in the back of your van.

The company makes us do the work even if it puts us in danger (i.e. taking a sofa out through the 1st floor window of an apartment building tied up with ropes for £80 when the customer paid £600 for this job to be done professionally).

Unfortunately, greed transformed this company into a modern slavery business where the call centre is based in South Africa, the UK drivers are barely speaking any English as they are the only ones happy to accept those rates of pay and the management enjoys the privilege of taking the advantage and capitalise on the situation.

Sign the open letter

Signers list

Melusine Colwell
Alan Wilson
Steve Parry
Kevin Ferguson
Gill Ross
Steven Gartside
Jacqueline Walters
Jessie Cotton
Gordon Brown
Samantha Cooch
Nina Taunton
Teresa Borland
Steven Nutt
Imran Ali
Amanda Jacobs
Jeff Fitches
Janepritchett Pritchett
Mary Ledgard
John Logan
Karen Phillips
Bob Johnston
Susanna Dickson
Vivienne Marguerite Mitchinson
Paul Dudson
Barbara Pett
Alys Wilman
Fiona Green
Philip Crockford
Zoe Cunliffe
Lorraine Hudson
Olwyn Rowland
Bernie O’Sullivan
Steven Philip Ravic
Eric Cadoo
Christine Gunter
Andrew Taylor
Paula Wills
Leonardo Lopez Wain
Caroline Clarke
Joan Hughes
Richard Turner
Blossom Taylor
Barbara Sullivan
Alastair Dawson
Graeme Fortune
Shaun Fletcher
Nigelsture Sture
Bill Siviter
Douglas Prior

AnyVan: pay your drivers fairly!

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AnyVan: pay your drivers fairly!

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