
of 100,000 signatures

To Jeremy Hunt and the new Prime Minister

As a pensioner with long-covid I'm unable to walk very far without struggling to breathe. It's ridiculous that the triple lock on pensions has been removed when we are in a cost of living crisis.

Petition text

I want, not just vague empty promises, but an immediate increase in pensions to match the current rate of inflation and the reintroduction of the triple lock. We have the highest rate of inflation in Europe so we should obviously not have left our neighbours when we did.

15 Dec 2022
We won a small victory
The chancellor gave in to our demands and the triple lock is back, however, we still have more work to do in order to prevent the fall of democracy in this country. Under the Tories new REUL bill all the health and safety features keeping us, and our food safe, is going to be repealed on 31 December 2023.

13 Nov 2022
Nothing doing from the Chancellor
The budget speech this week is going to be interesting, more austerity and the pension triple lock not being put back despite Truss promising an immediate pay rise for those on the State Pension. We received letters about the winter payment but so far nothing. I think they're trying to kill off as many as possible before it's paid out.

13 Oct 2022
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