
of 100,000 signatures

To Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

I am outraged by the fact that the non-domicile status is allowed for the super rich in this country, who earn millions a year and do not have to pay tax in UK. It is absolutely sickening! This is a law that allows tax evasion for the rich and needs to be scrapped.

Petition text

All non-domicile residents to pay tax in the UK.

A person who is registered as non-domiciled is tax resident in the UK but does not have to pay UK tax on income and capital gains earned overseas – including on company stocks or cash made from selling a second home – unless they bring their money into the UK or deposit it into a UK bank account.

The Guardian: What is non-domicile status and who qualifies? https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/apr/07/what-is-non-domicile-status-and-who-qualifies-hmrc

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Non-domicile tax status to be scrapped!

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Non-domicile tax status to be scrapped!

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