
of 20,000 signatures

To Prime Minister Keir Starmer

Donald Trump is pushing a trade war that could put our health service on the negotiating table, opening the door for US pharma giants and private corporations to cash in.

Our NHS is already under huge pressure. If we don’t fight back now, this could mean:
🔴 Higher drug prices — as US pharma companies demand the right to charge more
🔴 More NHS services outsourced — with profit put before patients
🔴 A two-tier system — where those who can pay get seen first.

Keir Starmer hasn’t signed anything yet – but time is running out. We must send a clear message: sign now to demand Starmer protects our NHS from all US trade deals!

Petition text

Our health service is not a bargaining chip - please commit now to keeping our NHS out of any trade deal with the US.

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Our NHS is not for sale: keep it out of Trump's trade deal

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