
of 50,000 signatures

To Prime Minister Keir Starmer and DWP Minister Liz Kendall

Prime Minister Keir Starmer is bringing in a new law that would allow DWP investigators to see what benefits claimants are spending their money on. Their justification is to clamp down on fraud, but fraud is involved in less than 1 percent of PIP (Personal Independence Payment) claims, and 3.1 percent across all benefits.

Keir Starmer says there will be 'safeguarding measures' but no details about what these are and it's a slippery slope - once these powers are granted there's no going back.

What disabled people spend our money on is a private matter and we shouldn't have to justify ourselves to anyone. Disabled people claiming PIP and other disability-related benefits (like LCWRA and LCW, DLA and ESA) buy the things they need to make life more tolerable and to help them to overcome barriers and difficulties, like mobility aids and care.

The dignity and right to privacy of benefits claimants must be preserved.

Petition text

Stop the DWP from being able to scrutinise bank accounts to see what claimants are spending benefits on!

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Prevent the DWP scrutinising disabled people's bank accounts

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