
of 10,000 signatures

To Arts Council England, Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport

I am a Black woman/artist/mother and researcher. I have worked in the creative industry for over 7 years and have been practising as a performance artist for more than 8 years. My experience in the workplace (to include practice and professional employment) has been that of microaggression, misogyny, accusations and unfair practices that has depicted my characteristics in ways that are deep rooted in racial pejorative stereotypes against Black women.

As a live artist and a professional working in the industry, I want to see the rights of women honoured. Black women like myself are often the invisible labourers, we work tirelessly to create space for others, create change and campaign for the rights of the marginalised. Yet in our existence we have to contend with labels such as intimidating, aggressive and angry.

We are silenced and made to work under toxic and misogynistic conditions that create a ripple effect on our mental health, family life and more. I have battled depression for many years as a result of my experience in the work place, I have been silenced and accused of being aggressive when I have sought clarity and change. The impact of years of abuse in the workplace has effected my relationships and my overall mental health.

Open letter text

I want change to occur from all areas within the creative industry. I want Black women, women of colour and all women to be protected in the workplace. To be heard and for our rights to not be dismissed as intimidating or aggressive.

My aim through this, is to ask Arts Council England to conduct a review of the Live Art industry and its work place, placing an emphasis on the workplace conditions impacting Black women and women of colour. I understand that this is just a start to what needs to be a long-term commitment to ending violence against Black women in this industry. However, as a start this is all I can handle and would appreciate all the support I can get to bring this to the attention of change-makers.

16 Sep 2022
Thank you all again for supporting this campaign. Just to update you all on where we are at. We have received a response from the Chief Exec of Arts Council England who wants to meet to discuss how we can take action against mistreatment of Black women/ women of colour and women in the arts.

23 Aug 2022
Thank you all
We have now submitted the open letter to Arts Council England. I want to say thank you all for your support and for signing this letter. I will keep everyone posted on the outcome of the submission. Once again thank you. Vivian

15 Jul 2022
Thank you ! Let's keep going
We now have 651 signatures. Thank you all for signing this open letter, please keep sharing it amongst your networks. Let's Protect Black women in the workplace.

Sign the open letter

Signers list

Rae Smith
Michael Cameron
Lynn Wright
Victoria Miguel
Jean Briffett
Jill Taylor
Alan Robinson
John Helder
Karla West-Bohey
Geoff Cox
Jasmine Du-Quesnay
Andyteasdale Teasdale
Ian Brown
Dianne Mcdonald
Beth Frewin
Alessandro Carosi
Kathryn Thomas
Raymond deacy
Obi Amazu
Lesley Horner
Rachel Bishop
Lucy Mertekis
Sharron Thompson
Mrs Barbara J Loughlan
David Montgomery
Emily Jane Smith
James Smith
Franklyn Mgbadike
Ance Bohane
Mirza. M Saghir
Carole Pugh
Tim Mainprise
Naheed Shaikh
Amy Nicholson
Iain Ross
John Massey
James Beckles
Lesley Dunlop
Jim Pritchard
Kate Shipway
Sihdia Aziz
Angela Hill
Lyes Si Ahmed
N E Vernon
Lady Lola Oyewusi
Nicholas Cooper
Vince Watterson
Dave Wells
Lindsay Ferguson
Janet Frances Seaby

Protect Black Women in the workplace!

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