
of 50,000 signatures

To Rishi Sunak and the Conservative party

We need better pay for home carers. The amount the Government give to councils to pay private care companies is disgraceful, hence most company’s cannot recruit staff to do the job. The cost of living crisis is affecting so many of us, including carers, who are already struggling with low wages.

Providing home carers means that individuals are allowered to excerise their individual choice to remain in their own home and it also prevents bed blocking of the NHS.

The role is very underestimated by the Government. Caring people will do this job for very little acknowledgement and financial return but they too are affected by the cost of living and deserve a pay rise. It’s time to recognise these people and give them the credit and respect they deserve.

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Government to give more funding to councils to pay for the amazing job that hundreds of carers provide everyday, which in turn is helping the NHS by taking the pressure of them.

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