
of 10,000 signatures

To Kelly Tolhurst, Minister for Schools and Childhood

I have worked in the early years industry for over 20 years, and during that time have experienced so many changes. The amount of responsibility that early years settings now shoulder to provide an excellent space for learning with no decent funding from government is tantamount to neglect of the early years sector. Every 30 free hours of childcare is not funded realistically and every setting is having to makeup the shortfall to enable staff to be paid minimum wage.
Something must be done to ensure that the education secretary looks seriously at this situation, as early years settings are closing because they can no longer afford to sustain underfunded free hours. Early years should be cared for and respected and to date that is not the case.

Petition text

I want to see the education secretary take seriously the issue of underfunding of the 30 free hours of childcare for 3 + year olds, to ensure that settings no longer have to makeup the shortfall. The fees and funding from government pay the wages of the staff which is basically minimum wage. In this economic climate, £9.50 per hour is no longer realistic.

28 Jan 2023
Keep pressing for decent funding
We have achieved 5000+ signatures to provoke a response from this government. If you have signed and shared, thank you. If you haven't please sign and share. We really need the government to take this issue seriously.

21 Jan 2023
Wow 5000+ signatures!
Wow 5000+ signatures let's get to 10000 to force a response from government. Another petition from Early Years addressing the same topic has just had a response from government. They talk about investing big figures into the funding scandal BUT realistically it amounts to £4.61 from £4.28. We are talking pennies!!! Let's keep this going and insist the government responds to this insult of anniversary. Thank you.

16 Jan 2023
This situation is crippling early years settings. More stories coming to light.
Please sign this petition we are heading towards 1000 signatures, target is now 2000. The stories I am hearing are heartbreaking for nursery owners and child minders. Government is funding the 30 free hours at as little as £4.28 when realistically it should be £6.00. Nursery's are losing tens of thousands of pounds every year.

11 Jan 2023
Heading for a 1000 signatures, let's keep going
If you've signed my petition, then thank you. If you haven't please sign now. I'm receiving stories from dedicated early years providers who are facing crippling costs to keep open. Heating, lighting, dispersables (aprons, gloves, etc) resources, safeguarding, paediatric first aid...... and thats before any wages are paid. I'm reading about the stress of trying to break even, owners not paying themselves. LET'S KEEP GOING

Sign the petition

Realistic funding of the 30 free hours childcare from government

Can you chip in to get this petition on the agenda?

Hundreds of us are chipping in to get this petition in front of government ministers. Politicians are far more likely to notice a petition once it hits 100,000 names - if enough of us chip in, we can promote this petition to thousands more supporters and get it on the agenda. Can you chip in?

Can you chip in to get this petition on the agenda?

Hundreds of us are chipping in to get this petition in front of government ministers. Politicians are far more likely to notice a petition once it hits 100,000 names - if enough of us chip in, we can promote this petition to thousands more supporters and get it on the agenda. Can you chip in?

Realistic funding of the 30 free hours childcare from government

Next step - spread the word

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