
of 100,000 signatures

To Mel Stride, Secretary of State for the Department of Work and Pensions

I would like the retirement age set to 60. I've heard of many people just reaching retirement, or soon after, and having a stroke.
There are many children coming up through college, studying for their dream job, only to find there are no jobs. If we could retire at a reasonable age of 60 then it would open the workforce to the new generation. It would also keep jobs from taking their toll on the elderly.

Petition text

The projections are now to make retirement at 67 by 2028 (not mandatory, just the starting age). People have trouble now, unless they're rich, with retiring before their body starts to break down; this can happen at 50. Those that wish to carry on can, but it should be allowed for those who can no longer continue to retire.

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The state pension age should be lowered to 60!

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