of 2,000 signatures

To Keir Starmer PM, and Fansify owners

A lot of places are taking advantage of the fact UK citizens can't execute their rights without finances and this has meant that more companies are committing wage theft happily.

Fansify is an adult platform that allowed disabled women to find a way to earn an income in a world that won't hire them, but they're now allegedly keeping funds from their models.

Some models have reported being owed $2000 while others report being owed $830+. We need to unite together to show that this wage theft is wrong and need to petition the government to support disabled women no matter what line of work they end up doing to survive.

We need more ways to action rights against companies blatantly committing wage theft in the UK.

Please join us in this campaign.

Petition text

All adult models to be paid in full and on time.

Better wage theft protection legislation and access to legal support, especially for disabled and vulnerable workers.

The government to do more to penalise and prevent wage theft.

8 Oct 2024
Case Settled

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Stop wage theft for disabled workers

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