
of 20,000 signatures

To TFL, Arriva, RATP, Metroline, Go Ahead, Abelio, Stagecoach

Most of London's buses, if not all, have air-cooling or air-conditioning units fitted - but most don't have working air-conditioning or air-cooling systems. This is often due to the compressors not being serviced and the gas not being replaced, or the system simply being turned off to save money. This year we've had 1 serious bus crash on the 141 bus route due to a driver passing out, and another driver stopping and getting out of the cab to vomit before collapsing. This is happening because of temperatures of 36 degrees to a whopping 40 degrees in the driver's cab. The safety of bus drivers and passengers is being put at serious risk. We need written agreements with the private companies that run London's buses that air-cooling and air-conditioning will be working and functioning when required before there's a serious fatality as a result of a driver passing out. Please support your bus drivers.

Petition text

All buses must have working and functioning air-cooling and air-conditioning systems to keep bus drivers safe in high temperatures!

28 Jul 2023
We've got over 1000 votes let's get this to 100.000 votes let's make this happen

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Stop London bus drivers passing out in high temperatures!

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Stop London bus drivers passing out in high temperatures!

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