
of 100,000 signatures

To House of lords

I think we can all agree that funding the NHS properly and ensuring our social care is properly funded is important, but an increase in national insurance is not the way to do it. For one thing, it won't increase contributions that much from higher earners, whilst hitting lower income people hardest.

Wages have already been stagnating for years and people employed in public sector jobs like nursing and policing have already been having to use food banks, so another tax hike for us will not be tenable.

Food bank usage has increased dramatically since 2010, and the primary reason is low income. Most food bank users are already employed.

Furthermore, a national insurance increase does not necessarily follow that the money will be definitely spent on the NHS and social care. The Chancellor of the Exchequer is not obligated to earmark increased contributions to a particular cause. Considering the abominable management of money from this administration (for example the botched track and trace contract, dodgy PPE contract, billions wasted on Brexit and ridiculously high MP expenses), who among us trusts this government to use this money as they promised they would?

We have been lied to so many times that the trust is irrevocably broken. This can still be blocked in the house of lords, and our voices should be listened to.

Petition text

To all members of the House of Lords,

Please block the National Insurance increase in the House of Lords vote.

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Block the National Insurance hike in the House of Lords

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