
of 50,000 signatures

To Mel Stride, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and Tom Pursglove, Minister for Disabled People, Health and Work

As unpaid carers we each save the government thousands of pounds a year by not getting carers to come in to help with our loved ones. We get paid £67 a week in Carers Allowance. To claim this you need to be caring for someone at least 35 hours a week, so it works out at well under £2 an hour.

When you get your Universal Credit statement coming Carers Allowance is classed as a wage and taken off our Universal Credits. It’s like the government are giving it to you in one hand and take it straight out of the other hand. It is not really a wage when you are saving the government all this money.

Petition text

As unpaid carers for our loved ones we each save the government thousands of pounds a year by not having carers coming in to help. We get £67 a week. This should be in addition to Universal Credit entitlements, not counted as a wage and therefore taken off our benefits each month.

Sign the petition

Carers Allowance isn't a wage: let unpaid carers keep all of their UC payment.

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