
of 10,000 signatures

To Lisa Burger, Executive Director and Rufus Norris, Artistic Director

Petition text

Last week the National Theatre announced it would be letting go of 400 casual workers at the end of August, citing the financial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and changes to the Job Retention Scheme. Since then the government has announced a £1.57 billion rescue package to save the UK's cultural sector. However, the relevant staff have been informed that their jobs will still be lost.

I urge you, through this open letter, to reverse the planned cuts, should you receive any of this state funding.

As a freelancer in the arts, it is devastating to me and my colleagues to see the livelihood of so many creatives and “behind-the-scenes” workers be lost.

Yours sincerely,

Jordan Bergmans

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Open letter to the National Theatre

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