
of 5,000 signatures

To Friedrich Joussen, CEO of TUI Group

Open letter

Dear Friedrich Joussen,

We, the undersigned, call for the immediate stop to your collaboration with the UK Home Office in running chartered deportation flights as part of the UK Home Office’s Hostile Environment policy.


Between June and December 2020, you were the primary airline operating deportations as part of ‘Operation Sillath’, a pre-Brexit initiative launched by the UK home office to deport people who have entered the UK via perilous channel crossings. Your actions come as part of the increasing normalisation of such violent practices, from the high-profile and legally dubious* deportation of the “Jamaica 50,” to the many deportation flights and immigration raids happening every month, which go mostly unnoticed by the general public. We do not forget those who have died as a result of the UK’s violent immigration system.

Part of this system is the racist and brutal Hostile Environment policy, which aims to compound the violence of an already violent system by aiming, as Theresa May put it in 2012 interview, to create a ‘really hostile environment’** for migrants in the UK via the implementation of citizen on citizen immigration checks. Almost 10 years down the line, we know that this policy has caused unbearable trauma and suffering in the lives of those it targets.

With your actions, you are supporting a system that is widely condemned, and employs increasingly rampant and open surveillance, racist violence and disregard of human rights legislation. Since 2012, The Hostile Environment policy has meant the slow creep of a ‘papers, please’** approach in an ever-widening number of environments- from hospitals to schools, workplaces to housing. Those on the sharp end of these injustices are denied access to public services, made to pay sky-high bills for essential healthcare, denied the right to work, the right to rent- the right to exist. Many are then snatched in the middle of the night and detained, later to be forced on to deportation flights.


We, the undersigned, are calling on TUI to act in the interests of justice, and discontinue your collaboration with the UK Home Office. Stop upholding this system. Stop the planes.

There is a long history of individual consumers choosing to boycott and divest from corporations that uphold oppressive regimes, from the international BDS movement to the Boycott Turkey campaign.
In calling on TUI to end their collaboration with the Home Office, we make clear that we will refuse to stand by as long as corporations continue to quietly profit from such abhorrent practices.

We cannot continue to support TUI financially, in the knowledge that the flipside to their family-friendly image is a corporation that has, and continues to, value profit margins above the lives of those seeking refuge in the UK- often who have fled war, conflict, and other forms of violence, only to face further violence on our shores.


It is not too late to make the decision to stop flying these planes, and stop forcibly removing people from the UK. We, the undersigned, will commit to a boycott of TUI until this demand is met.



Sign the open letter

Signers list

Emily Ruddock
Sonya Newell-Smith
Clara Brekke
Geraldine Flanagan
Stella Ridgway
Elise Cochrane
Emma Mcgill
Hannah Brennan
Seth L
Alexandria Hassett
Harriet Menter
Migration Asylum Justice Forum (Majf)
Irene Leonard
Charlotte West
Eshe Kiama Zuri
Vanessa Zappi-Taylor
Rachel Bannister
Helene Maloigne
Hazel Thompson
Steve Flynn
Michael Mcglone
Bella Normark
Hanna Luiga
Warda Yassin
Ryan Lee
Ian Boreham
Cecily Blyther
Margaret Carney
Sara Stewart
Hannah Lacey
Simona Brinkmann
Angela Last
Eleanor Pollard
Craig Ashley Vaughan Chambers
S Marshall
Richard Mark Cleminson
Mike Pond
Suzanne Moules
Richard C Lowdon
Elizabeth Yuill
Jason Thomas-Fournillier
Jeanette Farrelly
Carys Watt
Tess Blakeway
Jake Kent-Brown
Jordan F
Susana Rivera

Open Letter: TUI Drop Deportations

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Open Letter: TUI Drop Deportations

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