of 100 signatures

To Letting agents in England who use Goodlord's referencing service

Petition text

Goodlord (goodlord.co @sogoodlord) is a referencing agency we believe you use. Goodlord management has used the cover of the pandemic to attack the already low wages of its referencing staff. There is currently strike action taking place involving the staff it will affect. If management succeeds it will push these workers below the London Living Wage of £10.85 per hour.


We say - stop using Goodlord.

If you continue to use Goodlord:
• You will no longer be able to call yourselves supporters of the London Living Wage and we will consider you poverty pay employers.
• You will see a drop in the quality of the referencing services you receive from GoodLord. As Goodlord becomes Badlord and the dedicated and skilled staff are forced into poverty.

We demand:
• You stop using Goodlord whilst the strike is on.
• If you want to see this issue resolved as quickly as possible, please contact Goodlords directly to remove the threat of cuts to low paid workers in their referencing department. You can contact them on 020 3198 2060 / william@goodlord.co / tom@goodlord.co / @sogoodlord / goodlord.co)

We will be continuing to protest against Goodlord and estate agents which continue to work with them, including informing the university, students union and other student groups.

FInd us on Twitter: @GoodlordStudent

Sign the open letter

Signers list

Alex Brent
Sonia Bridge
Lucy Donovan
Lydia Stott
Naomi Byron
Meg Day
Jenner F
Deji Olayinka
Cait Mallon
Rebecca Fryer
Eleanor Boyd
William Mullins
Ellen Kenyon Peers
R Prasad
Andrea Gilbert
Bea Gardner
Eileen Hunter
Christopher Lloyd
Len Hockey
Lisa Toth
Abi Lomax
Elaine Brunskill
James Spencer
Michael Powell-Davies
Lynn Gunnigle
Helen Kerr
Kev Wil
Joseph Thomas
Martyna Ostrowska
Helen Pattison
Kevin O'Hanrahan
Nathan Newton
Lydia Ndoinjeh
Jon Ivens
Dave Ireland
Nora Knight
Vivien Toft
Paul Kershaw
Margaret Mackenzie
David Warren
Ellie Harding
Stephen Simpson
Terry Harper
Lesley Walton
Catherine Mcpake
Kate Morrison
James Ivens
Alexis Edwards

Stop using Goodlord - support the London Living Wage

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Stop using Goodlord - support the London Living Wage

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