
of 200,000 signatures

Petition text

Dear Kwasi Kwarteng, Business Secretary, and UK Government

Don't scrap paid holidays. Keep the working time directive - protect paid holidays and don't let dodgy bosses force people to do 48+ hours of overtime.

Yours sincerely,

Why is this important?

The Government is talking about scrapping paid holidays with the 'working time directive'. [1] Whether you work for a great company or a dodgy one - for the last 20 years everyone should get at least 28 days paid holiday. If we don’t challenge this, some people are going to get completely shafted by their employers.

Before we got the ‘working time directive’, bad bosses didn’t have to pay you for holidays. The law also means your boss can’t force you to work more than 48 hours a week if you don’t want to. These laws are there to protect everyone. To make sure dodgy bosses can’t exploit people in the UK.

Will you sign the petition demanding the UK keeps the ‘working time directive’?

[1] Financial Times: UK workers’ rights at risk in plans to rip up EU labour market rules:

"Worker protections enshrined in EU law — including the 48-hour week — would be ripped up under plans being drawn up by the government as part of a post-Brexit overhaul of UK labour markets. The package of deregulatory measures is being put together by the UK’s business department with the approval of Downing Street, according to people familiar with the matter. It has not yet been agreed by ministers — or put to the cabinet — but select business leaders have been sounded out on the plan."

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Keep paid holidays. Don't scrap the Working Time Directive

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Keep paid holidays. Don't scrap the Working Time Directive

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